
Auteur | Clive Barker |
Eerste Uitgave | 1989 |
Uitgave | 1989 |
Uitgeverij | Luitingh - Sijthoff |
Vorm | roman |
Taal | Nederlands |
Bladzijden | 224 bladzijden |
Gelezen | 1993-02-12 |
Score | 9/10 |
Wezens van de nacht. Kabal is het verhaal van een jonge vrouw die bereid is de grenzen van het menselijke te overschrijden om samen te zijn met de man van wie ze houdt. Boone gelooft dat hij verantwoordelijk is voor de meest afgrijselijke misdaden. Hij heeft zijn toevlucht gezocht op een enorme begraafplaats waar de laatste monsters van de wereld - de wezens van de nacht - zich ondergronds verbergen. Als de mensen de jacht inzetten op Boone, zullen de wezens onherroepelijk in zijn ondergang worden meegesleurd. Kunnen zij het overleven, wanneer de nog dodelijker, nog gevaarlijker monsters van de twintigste eeuw hen op de hielen zitten? En kan Lori's liefde de verbijsterende waarheid van Boones ziel doorstaan?
Part one of a never to be completed trilogy
Boone is fully aware that something is seriously wrong with his mental health. Because his memory seems to be full of holes, he decides to consult a psychiatrist named Decker. It does not take long for Decker to link Boone to the brutal mutilation murders of eleven people, murders that recently have terrorized the city of Calgary, Canada. Shocked by this dreadful news, Boone decides to flee. He awakes in de middle of a horrific murder scene and sees only one way out: suicide. But then he hears of the mythical place of Midian, a sanctuary to the monsters of this world. He actually does not have to go look for it, because in a way it has already found him. Although he is not yet aware it, Midian will offer him a very important role.
Cabal is one of Clive Barker's early novella's and is distinctive for its rather straightforward plotting. Compared to the story of Imajica, Cabal can even be called 'simple'. But that simplicity does not compromises its narrative power. To the contrary: it is very powerful in luring the reader into a fantastic world. It does very well compare to The Damnation Game for its rawness and impact. Although Cabal offers an extremely enjoyable and horrific ride, it somewhat leaves the reader with a feeling of dissatisfaction. Indeed, it reads as part one of a trilogy. A trilogy that was never completed. It introduces a very interesting mythology and puts everything in readiness for the big story... but sadly that still needs to be written.
Cabal was made into a quite enjoyable movie adaptation Night Breed and did start a comic book series with that same title.